Sadaqa House Orphan Fund

On 27th May 2022, Sadaqa House Orphan Fund was launched to ensure that orphans are afforded equal opportunities to succeed in life.

Through the public donation raised, we aimed to build the Community Economic Empowerment Ecosystem (C3e) to accord multiple Islamic Social Finance and Financial Inclusion solutions for the advancement of our community.

Financial Highlights
Fund collection as at 31 May 2024 RM8,503,974
Fund distribution as at 31 May 2024 RM5,253,573

Impact Creation


How To Donate
Fund transfer Sadaqa House Orphan Fund
140 140 108 88888
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Bank Islam Credit Card-i Through the redemption of Trupoints Rewards at:
(Category Product: Welfare)

QR Code DuitNow

Step 1
Select banking application

Step 2
Click DuitNow QR Code button

Step 3
Scan QR Code and enter donation amount

InfaqPay Direct Debit (Monthly) or FPX (One-Off)

Automatic Monthly Contribution via Direct Debit (Monthly)

Step 1
Scan QR code

Step 2
Complete the personal information required

Step 3
Select donation amount

Step 4
Select the payment bank you wish to register

Step 5
Please click on the terms and conditions box

Step 6
Click the “register now” button and continue until completion

One-Off Donation via FPX

Step 1
Scan QR code

Step 2
Complete the personal information required

Step 3
Enter the amount you wish to donate

Step 4
Click Create Bill

Step 5
Select the payment bank and click Proceed to Payment and continue until Completion

Why The Orphans?

Taking inspiration from the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the advantages of caring for the welfare of orphans, as narrated by Abu Hurairah RA, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Whomsoever passes his hand over the head of an orphan to please Allah Almighty gets a virtue in return for every hair that his hand passes over. Moreover, whosoever does good to an orphan boy or girl, I and he will be like this in Paradise (He (PBUH) said this after having joined his two fingers)”

[Hadith Riwayat Muslim]

If Sadaqa House Orphan Fund can help make their transition from orphans to young adults with self-belief and confidence, then these “Sadaqa House kids” can look forward to a better future.

How it works

For every ringgit donated to the Orphan Fund and any income generated through investing the funds:

  • 50% shall be channelled for the welfare and education of orphans under joint initiatives with the appointed changemakers; and
  • 50% of the Principal Sum shall be placed in low-risk Shariah-compliant instruments to generate sustainable return for subsequent distribution.

Implementation Partners Beginning 2022, Sadaqa House has made a 4-Year commitment to 3 implementing partners in support of the Orphans Agenda i.e., OrphanCare Foundation, Pertubuhan Anak Yatim Malaysia (PEYATIM) and Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF).
Desired Future
  1. To raise RM1 billion in perpetual funds by Year 2040.
  2. To distribute RM3 Million monthly from income generated by the Perpetual Fund Investment for the welfare and education of orphans, sans race sans religion.
  3. To accord orphans equal opportunities to succeed in life.
  4. To be the nucleus for the Community Economic Empowerment Ecosystem (C3e).
Pamphlet Sadaqa House Orphan Fund Click here to download
Prospectus Sadaqa House Orphan Fund Click here to download

For further information:

Email Address
Level 27, Menara Bank Islam,
No. 22, Jalan Perak 50450,
Kuala Lumpur